Karibu partner Kairos Palestine and the newly established Global Kairos for Justice invites groups, organizations, faith communities and individuals around the world to sign on to their signature campaign on the occasion of Nakba Day (May 15, 2019).
The campaign calls for solidarity with Palestinians in their quest for ending the unjust and illegal occupation, and in securing their freedom and human rights.
The signature campaign will be presented to Israeli embassies and foreign ministries all over the world, accompanied by a variety of nonviolent activities as determined by participating groups within their respective contexts, on the Nakba Day.
The petition calls for:
- End the occupation of Palestine immediately;
- Restore the full and equal rights of and end discrimination against Palestinian citizens living in Israel and between all inhabitants of the Land;
- Respect the right of return of Palestinian refugees.
Countries around the world are also called to:
- Abide by their obligations under international law regarding the rights of the Palestinian people, as stipulated under the Geneva Conventions, and to provide the necessary protection afforded to them under international law from the daily violence imposed on them.
To sign the petition, visit https://www.gopetition.com/petitions/global-kairos-signature-campaign-2.html or click the button below!