What happens when one moves power to the global South?
Karibu director Aurora Nereid writes in "Transit magasin" about Karibu's efforts with participatory grantmaking.
Karibu director Aurora Nereid writes in "Transit magasin" about Karibu's efforts with participatory grantmaking.
Yolanda Esguerra (the Philippines) presents the case of a massive oil spill to the International Rights of Nature Tribunal.
Meet some of Karibu's bold grantee partners, including the Asia-Pacific Hub of the "Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature".
Internet Ciudadana, a network uniting Latin American and Caribbean organizations for a democratic, people-centered internet, will host a series of online events in September on digital rights.
Karibu speaks with Rachael Mwikali (Kenya) about the protests, the bill's link with international debt, how the civic space for civil society is shrinking, and the hopes for the way forward in Kenya.
UN Women Asia and the Pacific recently interviewed Karibu grantee partner Rey Asis (APMM) about the significant challenges confronting LGBTIQ+ migrants.
Karibu's secretariat will now be working from "Sentralen", as part of the Nordic Social Innovation Incubator (SoCentral).
Four voices from the global South (from Brazil, Sri Lanka, and Palestine) bring back reflections from their participation at the "Global Anti-Apartheid Conference on Palestine".
Bold and forward-thinking groups of change agents in Africa meet for "Learning, Sharing, and Solidarity Gathering" in Kenya.
Oludamilare Ola-Daniels (Nigeria) writes about the successful efforts of civil society groups to stop a controversial water bill in Nigeria.