The following information relates to Karibu’s Africa Grants. It is subject to change.
Does Karibu have more than one grantmaking program?
Yes, Karibu has three primary grantmaking programs.
- Asia, Latin-America, Middle East, and Global Grant
- Africa Grant
- Urgent Action Grant (current partners)
These FAQs relate to the “Africa Grant” – Karibu’s African-led participatory grantmaking program.
For more information about the Asia, Latin-America, Middle East, and Global Grants, visit here.
Why is there a different program for Africa than Asia, Latin-America, Middle East, and Global?
Karibu’s African grantmaking program is an African-led and co-designed program that was formally launched in 2025. It was launched after a successful three year participatory grantmaking pilot project that moved decision making power to movements in Africa.
The program’s “Core Group” (consisting of African activists and civil society members) defines its own routines, decision-making processes, and eligibility requirements. You can read more background for the program here.
The Asia, Latin-America, Middle East, and Global Grants have been inspired by the Africa Grant process, yet decisions are made by the Board.
Is Karibu currently accepting applications for new grantee partners?
Karibu currently does not have any open calls for applications for new grantee partnerships in Africa. More information about potential applications is expected in May 2025. If you would like to inform us about a specific project or initiative that you think is relevant (and fits the eligibility criteria and focus of Karibu’s grants), you are welcome to fill out a short note of interest within Karibu’s grantmaking system.
…on eligibility, what we support, and background
What initiatives does the Africa Grant support?
We are aiming to support groups of change-agents in Africa who have bold, innovative, forward-thinking, and “constructive troublemaking” ideas that disrupt the status quo of injustices that the continent and our world are currently facing.
We are keen to support groups that utilize transformative and creative tactics (either offline or online).
The program aims to address the inter-connectivity of a number of crises (economic, socio-cultural, political, and ecological crises) that our world and the African continent are facing. The grant program aims to serve as a contribution to catalyze the struggles that African change agents are waging against unjust systems.
The grant aims to support groups that are undertaking imaginative initiatives that strengthen and add new dimensions to the collective struggle for systemic justice.
Who is eligible to apply for the Africa Grant
In order to apply for the Africa Grant, your group must:
- Be based in Africa and be African-led
- Have particular focus on the root causes of injustice, and how systems are interconnected (systemic approach)
- Have a non-violent approach*
- Have a plan and provide a jointly-decided upon concept note (maximum 4 pages) or optional video application (maximum 10 minutes) describing your new initiative
- Provide a simple budget draft to help us understand how the funds are expected to be used
- If your group is not registered, this is not a problem. We will just need a registered fiscal sponsor who can potentially receive and financially administer the funds. We are also open to hearing alternative models.
* The “Core Group” of the program acknowledges the continual violence waged on poor and marginalized people of the world. A non-violent approach refers to a commitment to utilizing nonviolent and creative means (e.g. acts of protest and persuasion, noncooperation, direct action, civil disobedience, boycotts, strikes, and education) – and not taking up arms – in order to resist and encourage social change. It can be understood as an active form of resistance to injustice.
What do you mean by Sub-Saharan Africa?
The KNRG uses the African Union’s list of African countries which include Northern, Western, Central, East, and Southern Africa.
Initiatives must come from and be conducted in countries on these lists. Please consult this list to see if your country is included.
Initiatives can either be conducted across borders in the continent (between two or more countries or regions), or conducted nationally.
Are there certain groups you are keen to support?
We are particularly keen on supporting groups that:
- are part of social movements, as well as the ecosystems that provide space for movements to grow, build, and develop.
- have a collaborative orientation (openness and focus on knowledge sharing with other formations/groups for the wider struggle)
- have a pan-African orientation (encourages and strengthen bonds of solidarity between peoples of Africa)
- embody feminist and/or gender-conscious perspectives
- are led by and/or have a majority of their members from peoples on the margins (such as youth, women, LGBTQI+, indigenous groups and others)
- have not already had significant access to grants
What initiatives are not eligible for support?
The program does not provide support towards:
- For-profit and/or income-generating efforts
- Government programs
- Infrastructure (homes, buildings, etc)
- Humanitarian aid (food, water and sanitation, school kits, disaster relief, etc.)
- Capital investments (farm equipment, livestock, computers, etc)
- Individual scholarships
Do you fund capital-intensive projects, e.g., the purchase of equipment?
No, we unfortunately do support capital investments (such as farm equipment, livestock, computers, etc.).
We also cannot provide support to the building of infrastructure (homes, buildings, etc)
Can I get money from the grant for my personal needs?
No, the Africa Grant is directed towards groups (social movements, associations, organizations, cooperatives, collectives, and/or networks) – and not individuals. We are not able to provide support to individual scholarships or personal needs.
How many grants will be given?
To be determined
Who decides on the grants?
The program’s “Core Group” consisting of African activists and civil society members, together with Karibu’s representative, are making decisions on the grants. The group comes from a breadth of backgrounds, ages, regions, and thematic experiences on the continent.
Karibu’s Board must formally approve the grants for legal purposes.
What are the selection criteria that you use?
The short-list will particularly place emphasis on:
- Clarity of vision and purpose of applying group
- Clarity on how the initiative tackles root causes on injustice
- Creativity of tactics used in the initiative
- Extent that the initiative has the potential to disrupt status quo of injustice
- Extent that the group and initiative contributes to movement- and power-building, especially amongst and with marginalized groups
- Various other considerations related to the qualities of what we are keen to support, geographic spread, and range of thematic focus
Can I apply for the Africa Grant if my organization has previously received a “KNRG” grant from the Karibu Foundation?
Yes, but information is not yet available.
…on the application itself
How do I apply for the grant?
Applicants must submit a concept note, as well as draft budget, in order to apply.
Please read the “information packet” with information about how to apply, including the specific questions for the concept note and the online registration form. There are also instructions on how to use Karibu’s online “Grant Management System” in order to submit the application.
What should my application include?
All details what need to be included in the application (including the questions that should be covered in the concept note and questions for the grant application registration) can be found in the information packet. Please read this carefully.
How long should my application be?
Concept notes should be maximum four pages, and should answer the four main questions described in the “Concept Note Guidelines”. These guidelines are found in the “Information Packet” for the grant program.
Those that choose to submit an alternative video application should follow the guidelines that can be found here.
What is the start-date and duration of initiatives?
To be determined. Initiatives supported by the pilot phase of the program had a start date of 1 January.
Initiatives can last between 6-12 months.
We recognize that transformation takes time, and thus this duration is understood as a contribution towards transformation.
Does the application have to be in English?
For practical reasons, applications should preferably be sent in English.
We are aware, however, of the language barrier that English-only applications puts on movements in a multi-language continent with colonial histories.
In an aim to ease some of these challenges, we are open to receiving applications in French and Portuguese.
We are open to receiving less-traditional applications in the form of video applications in an effort to help ease written communication barriers. Short-listed concept notes can also be processed and discussed further over the telephone/internet meetings.
Do I have to submit my application via the Grant Management system?
Yes, all applications should be submitted via the grant management system (GMS). The link for the system will open on June 20th, 2023.
Please note that all applications for this grant must be submitted through the “Karibu New Realities Grant: Sub-Saharan Africa” submission button in the GMS.
Communication about the application will also primarily take place within the grant management system.
For detailed instructions on how to use the GMS, please read the “Information Packet“.
Is there a time limit in which I must submit my proposal once I start an application online?
If you are inactive in the Grant Management System (GMS) for 2 hours, you will be automatically logged out.
Please note that the system does not save answers automatically, so you should prepare your answers in advance in the case of internet or electricity issues.
Is there a deadline for the application submission?
Applications for the KNRG are due on August 16th 2023, at 23:59 Central African Time.
Can anyone help me write a grant proposal?
No, the KNRG is unfortunately not able to help in writing grant proposals. You may receive help from others in your group to write the application.
What if I have never written a grant application before and want to apply?
The KNRG is particularly keen on supporting groups that have not already had significant access to grants, so new applications are welcome to apply. Please follow closely the instructions for the concept note in the “Information Packet”.
What if I have questions or need help while filling out the application?
Short questions may also be submitted via “WhatsApp” (+47 906 35 204) as a communication channel for this grantmaking program. We will do our best to respond to the best of our ability, but a response is unfortunately not guaranteed due to the potential influx of applications.

We encourage you to watch the informational webinar video updated for Cycle 2, where some of your questions may be answered.
…on the budget
Must I submit a budget?
Yes, all applicants must provide a simple budget draft to help us understand how the funds are planned to be used. Applicants can use the budget template that can be downloaded here, or provide their own.
Is there a maximum amount I can apply for?
The KNRG provides small grants, ranging from around 5,000 USD to maximum 15,000 USD.
Does the Grant program support administrative expenses?
Yes, the KNRG can support some indirect costs (administrative expenses). By this, we mean expenses of doing your work that are not readily identified with a particular grant, contract, or project function, but are necessary for the general operation of the organization (office rent, utilities, bank fees). There is a maximum 10% cap on administrative expenses in the project.
The KNRG can support some PERSONNEL COSTS. By this, we mean persons who will be paid or given stipends for their efforts for the project (staff, consultants, volunteers, etc).
Please indicate these costs in the budget template that is submitted with your application.
As a general rule, admin cost plus salaries should not exceed 30% of the grant amount.
Can I use a fiscal sponsor?
If your group is not registered, this is not a problem. But we will need a registered fiscal sponsor who can potentially receive the funds.
By fiscal sponsor, we mean a registered organization that agrees to receive funds, have legal responsibility for the funds, and conduct other administrative functions on your group’s behalf. In other words, the administrative “home” of the cause.
We are also open to hearing other ideas for fiscal administration. You can include this in your application.
…on waiting for a response
How long does it take once a proposal is submitted to go through the approval process and receive funding?
The total process will last around 4-5 months.
- Application deadline: August 16th
- The “Core Group” will meet in mid-September in order to determine a short-list of applications that may be relevant to support.
- Those that are short-listed will be contacted will be contacted in early October 2023 with an invitation to a discussion about the project. Please note: Being short-listed does not guarantee a grant.
- Final decisions on grants will be made in November 2023.
- Funds will be released in December 2023 or January 2024.
When will I hear from Karibu about my application?
To be determined
Can I get updates on my application as it is processing?
An internal link will be shared with applicants after the application deadline, where you can get general updates on the application process. We unfortunately not able to respond to updates about particular applications.
If my earlier application was not supported, can I revise and submit it again?
Yes, but please note the eligibility requirements and refer to the information about the Africa Grant. New applications will be considered on current criteria and information.
My organization was just notified it was short-listed. Does this mean I will be getting a grant?
No, being short-listed does not guarantee that you have received a grant. It is a way for the core group to get to know the organization and the project better before making their final decisions.
Short-listed applications will be invited to a short digital conversation to discuss the project in order for the “Core Group” to learn more.
Final decisions will be made following the conversations with short-listed applications. Unfortunately not all short-listed applications will receive grants.
My organization was just notified that we have been awarded a grant. How do we go about releasing the funds?
The process of releasing the funds will be done in conversation with Karibu following the decision of the grant. More information will be made available to those selected for grants.
… other questions
How many applications did you receive in earlier rounds?
We received over 120 applications in Cycle 1 of the pilot program, from all regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. 13 grants total were provided in Cycle 1. We received over 240 applications in Cycle 2, from all regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. 12 grants total were provided in Cycle 2.
Can I meet the Core group before applying?
No, it is not possible to meet the “Core Group” before applying for the Africa Grant.
Short-listed applications will be invited to conversations with the Core Group before the decision is made.
Are there reporting requirements for this grant?
Yes, those that receive grants will be required to narrative and financial reports on the work of the project. The “Core Group” will strive to ensure that these reporting requirements can be as simple and clear as possible. More information will be provided to those that receive funds.
Can I apply for the Africa Grant if my organization has previously applied for or received a standard (regular grant from the Karibu Foundation)?
Yes, you can apply for a grant to the Africa if you have previously applied for or received a grant through Karibu’s regular grantmaking program. But you must meet the eligibility requirements for this particular grant in order to apply.
Updated 5 February 2025