Grants in 2025

Please note there is separate information for Karibu’s two grantmaking programs below.  

Karibu Regular Grants (all regions of the Global South) / Karibu New Realitity Grants (Sub-Sarharan Africa)

For potential new grantee partners: Karibu unfortunately does not have open calls for submitting applications from new potential grantee partners at this time (quarter 1, 2025).  But you are welcome to send a “note of interest” for potential future grant support. More information can be found below.

For current or previous grantees only: If you have previously received a grant from Karibu and would like to apply in 2025, please reach out at for grant-making procedures in 2025.  Please also include 4-5 lines in your email about the priority focus of your planned submission. More information can be found below.

Please choose the grant-making program you are considering applying for: