A constructive religious voice on LGBTIQ+ rights needed for Africa
Gomo Lesejane (South Africa) writes on the efforts made to lend a voice to deliberately silenced LGBTIQ+ communities in Africa.
Gomo Lesejane (South Africa) writes on the efforts made to lend a voice to deliberately silenced LGBTIQ+ communities in Africa.
Ana Garcia (Brazil) writes on South-South investments (specifically China’s involvement in Special Economic Zones in Brazil and South Africa) and their impact on the rights of workers, communities and the environment.
Kairos Palestine has released a statement from their international conference, where they describe a continually grimmer situation for Palestinians and the need for solidarity action.
Activists and social movements from 30 different African countries recently gathered in Johannesburg, South Africa for the 2022 “African Social Movement Baraza”. Briggs Bomba (Zimbabwe) discusses the historic moment we are living in, and the need for a...
Movements in the Philippines are carrying forward lessons from resistance to mining operations as they push for a “People’s Green New Deal”. Read more about the story of the village of Didipio from Jon Bonifacio – coordinator for...
Movements in Latin America produce a downloadable anti-militarist music compilation to draw attention to those affected by the impacts of militarization.
A trio of Karibu activist partners (Eni Lestari, Rey Asis, and Mervin Toquero) advocated for the rights and participation of migrants during the recent UN "International Migration Review Forum” (IMRF). See the videos of their speeches and read...
Anna Denardin (Possible Futures, Brazil) writes on the way forward for progressive civil society in unstable and dramatic times.
Stiaan van der Merwe (South Africa) provides some of his initial observations, impressions and reflections of the WSF in Mexico City. He argues that there is need for a different kind of individual and collective consciousness, wisdom, and...
The Core Group of Karibu's grantmaking pilot in Africa gives an update on how they are co-creating a grantmaking program where decision-making power is moved closer to movements on the ground.