The encounter with human suffering and injustice in the world challenges us to act. This is especially the case in a world where profit-orientated economic globalization is embedded in complex structures of political, economic and military power.
There is a need to support grassroots processes that can resist dominance and oppression (stop the bad), and that can develop alternative societies that improve life (build the new) on a systemic level. There are movements all around the world that are doing this on a daily basis.
Karibu supports organizations, networks and movements that are anchored in the global South, and
that are making strong and critical contributions to the development of societies and local communities that:
Our approach

Global South led
Karibu supports activities and movements that are anchored in the Global South (Africa, Asia, Latin-America, Middle East).
As a general rule, we do not provide support to organizations or networks that are based in the Global North.

Systemic focus
Karibu prioritizes projects that have a systemic focus – where change affects how the whole system functions.
Karibu does not give support to the regular operation of development projects, such as health, education, infrastructure, agriculture and/or local capacity building.

Collaborative movement building
Karibu prioritizes projects that are South-South in nature (one or more countries or territories in collaboration).
In most cases, we do not provide support to projects that are working only nationally or locally in scope.
Karibu provides grants to organizations, networks and movements in the Global South that embody the following qualities in their struggle to create this new world:
Our grants are aimed at:
The projects that Karibu supports are generally related to the areas of mobilizing efforts, information, legislative and research efforts, bridge-building, dialogue, and capacity building.
Karibu prioritizes projects that are South-South in nature (one or more countries or territories in collaboration). We support projects that have a systemic focus and are strategically aimed at long-term social outcomes.
What we don’t support
Karibu does not give support to the regular operation of development projects, such as health, education, infrastructure, agriculture, and/or community capacity building. We also do not support projects connected to an individual, such as scholarships for education.
As a general rule, we do not provide support to organizations or networks that are based in the Global North.
In most cases we do not provide support to projects that are working only nationally or locally in scope, as Karibu prioritizes projects that are South-South in nature (one or more countries or territories in collaboration).
More information
We encourage all potential grant seekers to read closely our frequently asked questions about the process for important details about eligibility.